We are committed to providing healthy air quality in our program by having an air purifier by Blue Air. Currently, we are using a Blue Pure 411i Max. The air purifier is connected to the internet to let us know when the air quality is contaminated. We have it set to auto so we can focus on our students. The air purifier uses five different colors to indicate when the air is contaminated. From blue meaning the air is excellent to very rarely seen orange/ red polluted/very polluted. The air purifier has an outer sleeve that is washed and sanitized weekly and when needed.
When we move the program to our new facility this fall. The classrooms will have the air cleaned with an Air Scrubber by AERUS. The air cleaner will be able to reduce surface contaminates in the classroom. The air cleaner will help to prevent our students from getting illnesses as often. We also try to use cleaning products that are air quality friendly to keep our air quality the best it can be. Cleaning often like dusting, disinfecting, and sanitizing highly-used items and surfaces also helps keep germs away in our program.
We know healthy lungs develop best when the air is clean from germs and viruses. Children can concentrate on learning and playing when the air is clean in their classroom. The restroom and the diaper changer are cleaned daily and when needed to prevent illnesses and germs from spreading. The floors are vacuumed and moped in the afternoon to keep their spaces as clean as possible. A clean, sanitized, pet-free classroom helps children do their best.